DELTA TAU LAMBDA CHAPTER LEADERSHIP Bro. Dr. Jason CallamanPresident Bro. Cary LackeyVice President Bro. Nathan CabbilTreasurer Bro. Edward JamesRecording Secretary Bro. Wynston WallerCorresponding Secretary Bro. Demontrez X. JohnsonDirector of Membership Bro. Keith AllenChaplain Bro. Dr. Robert CrosbyFinancial Secretary Bro. Dr. Earl Duval, Jr.Historian Bro. Michael BondAssociate Editor to the Sphinx Bro. A. Torrey WoodsSergeant-at-Arms Bro. Marquis ScottParliamentarian Bro. Michael McClainS.E.P Chair / Elections Committee Chair Bro. Michael PowellCollege Advisor Bro. DeMarco CasonSocial Committee Chair Bro. George Charles IIIProject Alpha Chair